Saturday, October 2, 2010

Losing Weight

As far as I can remember, I've had weight problems. I know I'm not the only one, of course, but it is still quite painful. When I was younger it wasn't as bad: I was a gymnast and a swimmer and I loved dancing and jumping around so I was a pretty skinny young girl. 

Now, I'm going to say something a lot of you may have heard before but in my case I have tons of people that can verify this for me: I am not a big eater. In fact, I'm a finicky eater. I hate a lot of fried foods, chocolate is my only weakness and eating it often upsets my stomach so I can't binge on it. I like sweets, but I don't adore them and I have always eaten in controlled portions because my parents are doctors and are obsessed with making sure that me and my sister are in perfect health and condition.

However, thyroid and metabolism problems are not something you can simply overcome. You just have to work with them, which means that a rigorous exercise program will be a part of my life forever. Trust me, I've put it to the test: I've eaten normal meals without exercise and gained two pounds in ONE DAY whereas, eating exactly the same meals but working out for three hours results in me LOSING one pound. It's weird.

Now, you might be wondering why I'm telling you all this: it's quite simple. I've lost 33 pounds in less than three months. People are going crazy around me, wondering what's my "secret". These are some very real reactions to my recent weight loss:

1. I see you've been losing weight! How are you doing it? Dieting I'll bet... This is one of the comments that REALLY pissed me the hell off. Just because I'm overweight doesn't mean I eat like a fucking cow! Weight problems are associated mostly with overeating and I understand that but generalizing that way hurts people's feelings! I wonder why people don't think before they talk?

2. You look fantastic! Not that you didn't before... but you look better now! At this I only say: thank you. 

3. Whoa! You've lost a lot of weight! What's your secret?! Is it the new pills they are advertising on T.V.? Which ones? There are so many weight loss pills, teas, drinks, patches, creams, etc., that I don't know which one she was referring to. Either way, I'm not losing weight using any of those gimmicks. They are costly and they don't work. Get it through your heads: it takes time to get fat, it takes time to lose weight. End of story.

4. How many pounds have you lost already? Thirty-three pounds, thanks for asking. 

5. What's your goal? This one stumps me. Why do people want to know my personal weight loss goals? Do they want to take me to a shopping spree and need to know more or less when I'll hit that mark so they'll save up the cash? Do they want to make fun of my aspirations behind my back? What's the point of asking such a personal question? To us who constantly fight the battle of the bulge that is like asking: do you prefer the missionary position or doggy style? Back off!

6. I have a friend that has weight loss issues and I was wondering if you could tell me what it is that you are doing to lose so much weight so that I can tell her. I exercise like a madwoman. I go to the gym six days a week (Sundays are my only day off for resting), one hour cardio without breakfast, I eat breakfast then come back an extra hour and a half for more cardio, Pilates, Cardio Boxing, Zumba or circuit workout and then return in the afternoon an extra hour for Spinning, Zumba or cardio. 

7. Ok. Exercise, fine, but what diet are you on?! *Sigh* Ok, I'll fess up: I eat one bar of granola in the morning, one saltine cracker for lunch and a slice of ham for dinner. The rest of the time I drink water and look at other people eating luscious food on the Food Network, sighing because I have such a miserable life. 


No one wants to hear that I have to work hard (I mean HARD) to achieve what I have so far. Weight loss is hard enough to picture without having someone telling you, straight to your face, that what you see is the results of hours at the gym. People want you to tell them that you are on a magical diet that will make all of your dreams come true and while dieting is certainly a part of weight loss (though not so much a part of mine, because of my specific situation) it is not the only part. People need to get that through their thick skulls!

Seeing as all these questions were beginning to drive me up the wall and it is very probable that I would snap at someone, I decided to tell everyone, once and for all, my weight loss secrets. Here we go:

1. If you have the economic means to do so, hire a personal trainer. I know it's a luxury for some, but the truth is there is nothing like having a personal coach that guides you through this difficult process. But don't hire just anyone (if my personal trainer was like Jillian Michaels, or whatever her name is, I can assure you, she would NOT be smiling for long), hire someone that makes you feel comfortable. My trainer had my same problems at a point in her life and she is kind enough to share her pictures and stories to prove it. She knows what I'm going through which makes me feel like she's my friend rather than someone who is there to torture the heck out of me (which she does!). I love her and you should care for someone who will play such an important part of your life. So if you can, get a trainer.

2. Dieting is important. Sometimes overweight people just eat TOO FUCKING MUCH. This is one of the reasons dieting is important. Some overweight people don't eat enough, causing their metabolisms to slow to a crawl and making even the most insignificant meals increase their weight which is another reason why dieting is important.

You see, dieting is not just about depriving yourself from eating something. Dieting is about learning to enjoy your meals in a different way. Eat fresh fruit when you crave something sweet instead of chocolate, but don't deprive yourself entirely, eating those sweets once in awhile is also part of having balance in your life. Eat your three meals in their allotted times, don't skip! And if you enjoy snacks, eat healthy snacks in small portions. Its not rocket science. You know all of this. Just apply it to your life.

Of course, if you have a water retention problem like me a detox diet is in order. In my case it was a week long diet which helped me a LOT. I won't share that diet with you because it is not mine to share (my trainer developed it and it belongs to HER) and also, it might not be right for you. Consult a nutritionist and get the right diet for your life.

3. Exercising - Exercising - Exercising. 

Here we go.

A show of hands: how many of you have lost weight only to find your skin looking haggard and ugly? 

Want to avoid that? EXERCISE!

Not only will exercise help you live a longer, healthier, fuller life but in a completely shallow point of view: you will look amazing. It is NOT the same to lose weight dieting alone and seeing your skin getting uglier and uglier by the day than seeing a healthy glow, the healthy growth of muscle and the way your body seems to be getting more beautiful each day. I promise you, there is nothing quite like it. And regardless of how much I whine in the mornings, I love what I do. I love the feeling that I'm doing something good for myself that will make me look good and live a better life as well.

Exercising is not something that you can do for awhile and then drop it. It has to be a part of your life, all your life. Which is why you should make it fun! Join a gym, get to know people, join classes and have fun! How boring is it to be walking on a treadmill for hours on end? Seriously! Get moving people! 

4. Build yourself a support group. 

I wouldn't be able to go through have of the shit I do if I didn't have the support from my family, very few select friends and my new gym friends. They keep me focused on what I should be doing. They help me calm down and see the bigger picture. They give me pep talks when I feel like walking away and going back to sleep. They stand by me when people are less than gracious about seeing me lose weight (there are some bitches that think its funny to keep mentioning what a long way to go you have... LOSERS!!!).

My support group is a HUGE part of why I am succeeding in this battle. I feel loved and I feel like I can do anything. Talk to your family and FEW SELECT FRIENDS and start a support group right now!

Hmm... that about covers it. Nothing too complicated, really. Once again, I know no one wants to hear hard work goes into this process because deep down everyone knows gaining weight is super easy and losing it isn't. This problem does not go away by closing your eyes. Weight loss is achievable but it is something PERSONAL. You can't buy a book and lose twenty pounds and keep it off. Those stories are few and far between. You have to realize you have a problem, find a solution to your specific problem and work hard at it. 

If I am doing it, you can do it to.

Tell me all about it. I'll let you know next week how I'm doing. I promise I will be a part of YOUR support group!



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